Brunei Darussalam Numismatics Facebook Club, more popularly known by its Malay name 'Kelab Koleksi Duit Lama Brunei' (or simply K.K.D.L Brunei Darussalam),began in August 2011 with the following aims:

- to promote numismatics as a hobby among local Bruneians.

- to facilitate communication between local Brunei and foreign numismatics hobbyists.

- to showcase Brunei Darussalam's rich numismatics artefacts among local Bruneians and the world.

- to provide opportunities for small and medium numismatics businesses among local Bruneian numismatics hobbyists.

Until September 2014, about 4,397 members already joined KKDL. For more information, find us on Facebook Group. Click HERE

KKDL was founded by D.L.B @ Duit Lama Brunei
Email D.L.B

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin

Hari Raya Aidilfitri is a symbol of grace and glory after going through the trying month of Ramadan.The celebration of Aidilfitri is rewarding after Ramadan during which every Muslim has to practice and uphold the true spirit of fasting. This month-long celebration revolves around the exchanging visits and greetings among family members and friends in the spirit of goodwill whereby people of different race and religion mingle freely with one another. Our unique cultural diversity enables us to celebrate each others' festivities in joy and true friendship. While we celebrating, we must remember the less fortunate in our midst and do our share to extend our help to the poor and needy.

Wish you all " Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri - Maaf Zahir & Batin"

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